Monday, 8 June 2015

A Visit to MDI Part V: Evidence to Collect

To ensure the case can be brought to court, sufficient evidence need to be gathered and collected by Investigation Officer. According to Puan Norina, the most important evidence to be collected is documentary evidence. Documentary evidence need to prove ownership of assets such as land title, house title, car registration card, directorship or ownership of a company and others.

Secondly, bankruptcy administration process (proses pentadbiran kebankrapan) is also important. In this part, MDI need to ensure all the requirements process have been complied with. For example, the bankrupt need to be informed on his/her status, especially in the third party filing case. After that, recording statement from witness is also important to support and strengthen the case. All relevant witness need to be identified by the Investigation Officer.

Finally, chain of evidence is crucial to ensure all evidence collected can be tendered at court. Chain of evidence are as follows:
1. Obtain search warrant from court;
2. Go to suspect's house or property, search and seize evidence;
3. Get the house or property occupant's to sign the seizure form;
4. Lodge a police report;
5. Send evidence to store for safe keeping.

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